Friday, September 24, 2010

Pictures that Rowan took

At Meilea's party, I let Rowan have my camera for a bit. These are the results of his artistic eye...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meilea's Friend Party

So I bit the bullet and let Meilea have 5 girl friends over on Sunday for yet another party... Much to my pleasant surprise, the party was actually a lot of fun (even for me!) It helped that I had nearly every minute planned so there was no time for 6 - 12 year old girls to get in trouble (well... nearly... there was the cupcake incident. But that was short lived)
Here are the pics.. Yes. I would do it again!
The girls made jewelry, pigged out on junk food, played the curler game (which surprisingly was a big hit!) and then continued styling each others hair using spray in color that Meilea got as one of her gifts. They ended with Twister (the party classic) and all couldn't believe it when suddenly 3 hours had past and their parents came to collect them.. As they say, time flies when you're having fun!

Meilea Turns 12!

My beautiful daughter turned 12 on Friday, September 17th! Memories were shared and parties abounded. Here are some pictures of the this weekend.. Click to see the full account of the goings on! Currently she is a big fan of the Twilight series. Also a recent fan of Jim Carrey in Bruce Allmighty. (As evidenced by the movies she is holding)...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor day/Mom's birthday Party

This Saturday we had a Labor Day/ Mom's birthday party. Her birthday was September 2nd. It was a beautiful day and a lot of the party was spent outside. Click on the pic to see the rest at flickr!